Books Picking Willows

Picking Willows

Picking Willows
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Pat Kurtz's heartfelt memoir tells the story of a lifelong friendship and details how two cultures intertwined in the stron and loving relationship between the Baker and Kurtz families. Not only is this book filled with charming anecdotes from Pat's life living with the California Mountain Maidu people, picking willows and observing their basket-making techniques, but it also recounts the story of the Mountain Maidu and their cultural survival intertwined with the story of Daisy and Lilly Baker and the sharing of their traditional culture and art. This work truly fills a gap in knowledge that has been needed to be shared for a long time. More than just a story about Pat or Daisy or Lilly, this is also an amazing story of tradition, discovery, and recognition. Softbound: 125 pages: 6 x 9"
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