Books Plumas Eureka on Glass : Color

Plumas Eureka on Glass : Color

Plumas Eureka on Glass : Color
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In this book author Bruce MacGregor gives us the first comprehensive history of the famous Plumas Eureka Mine. Exploring the rise and fall of the fourth-largest hardrock gold mine in California and the diverse communities that supported it, this book is a veritable goldmine of information. Painstakingly researched in the business papers of the mine and richly illustrated with period photographs, Plumas Eureka on Glass takes its title from both nineteenth-century glass plate photography and from the darkened window through which we must view the history of the mine, over a hundred years later. A gorgeous book that took nearly 10 years to research and write!! Well illustrated with b/w, sepia tone, and color photographs. Softbound: 281 pages: 8 x 10" This version replaces the now out-of-print Hardbound version, having all the same color photos, illustrations, etc. but in a paperback cover.
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