Books Elusive State of Jefferson, The

Elusive State of Jefferson, The

Elusive State of Jefferson, The


By 1941, a nascent statehood movement began to coalesce into an active and explicit secession campaign seeking to carve from Northern California and southern Oregon a new State of Jefferson. Yreka, California, home of the secession movement, was named the temporary state capital, and in December of that year, Judge John Childs of Crescent City, California, was selected the first governor of the State of Jefferson. Today, what is often referred to as the mythical State of Jefferson remains as both an emblem of the rural counties' frustrations and as a cultural signifier that differentiates the region from the rest of California, Oregon, and the nation. Through interviews with residents and travels through the region, author Peter Laufer reveals the story of what could have been and what the future holds for this corner of the world. A very timely book and interesting book - more so indeed because of the current interest and call to establish a modern State of Jefferson! A lively, vivid, and compelling story. Illustrated with B/W photos. Paperbound: 230 pages: 6 x 9"
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